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List of Transaction codes in SAP GUI 2025

I know that you are searching for the most used Transaction codes in SAP GUI, This is the best blog for you, to read the knowledge of Transaction codes and their uses. Some people tell Tcode. First, you know what is tcode in sap and why it is used in SAP.

What is Tcode and Why it is used in SAP?

Tcode means Transaction codes and is used to easily access particular inbuild SAP applications or run predefined programs or processes or custom program also. Tcodes are like shortcut keys, Shortcut keys are one key or a combination of keys But T-code is only one word. Below, some important Transaction codes are there for beginner to advanced levels and module wise also.

Developer Specific Transaction codes in SAP GUI

The developer of a SAP GUI product should know the some daily used tcode name, It is help for their development.

Transaction codes/ TcodesDescription
SE11ABAP Dictionary
SE38ABAP Editor
SE39Split screen
SQVITable Join viewer
SE16nGeneral Table Data Display
SM30Edit Table view maintenance
SE14Database Utility(Adjust table)
SE93Transaction Code maintenance
SE91Message maintenance
SE37Function module editor
SE80ABAP development workbench
SMARTFORMSSmart forms administration
SE78FORM Graphics Editor
SPADSPOOL administration (Custom Page Format)
SE73SAP Screen Font Maintenance
SM12Lock Entries List
ST22Dump Analysis
SHDBBDC Recoding
SOSTCheck Mail Send or Not
SM14Check Update request related error(Adjust Table)
SE84Repository information system (one part of use: Find the enhancement)
SMODFind out the suitable user exit
CMODImplementing the user exit
SE18Find out the suitable BADI
SE19Implementing the BADI
E071Smartform name to TR
VOFMMaintain Requirement & Formulas (Routine)
SE30Runtime analysis to find the performance issues
SATRuntime analysis ( SE30 + Additional feature or new SE30)
ST05SQL trace to find the performance issues
ST12Combination of SAT and ST05 Tcode
SCICode Inspector tool use the performance analyze

Basis Administrator Specific Transaction Codes in SAP GUI

The basis administrator for a SAP GUI product should know the some daily used tile name, It is help for their work.

Transport Request Tcode

Transaction codes/ TcodesDescription
SE09Transport and Workbench Organizer
SE10Transport and Customizing Organizer
STMS_IMPORTImport Transport Request
SCC1Move nace update TR to testing client
E071Smartform name to TR

User & Authorization Tcode

Transaction codes/ TcodesDescription
SE09Transport and Workbench Organizer
SE10Transport and Customizing Organizer
STMS_IMPORTImport Transport Request
SCC1Move nace update TR to testing client
E071Smartform name to TR
SM04 User overview
SU01User maintenance PFCG roles/ Remove locked user
SU03Authorization Archive Development Kit (ADK)
SU20 / SU21Authorization object and class / field
SU53Check authorization data for user
SUIMUser information / authorization

Functional Specific Transaction Codes in SAP GUI

The functional for a SAP GUI product should know the some daily used tile name, It is help for their work. If you want to see all tcode name then go to the fiori apps library.

Sales & Distribution Module (SD)

ModuleTransaction codesDescription
SDVA13Display Sales Inquiries
SDVA23Display the Sales Quotations
SDVA43Display the Sales Contract
SDVA01/ VA02/ VA03Create/ Change/ Display the Sales order
SDVA05List of Sales Orders
SDVF01/ VF02/ VF03Create/ Change/ Display the Billing Order
SDVF04Maintain Billing Due List

Material Management Module (MM)

ModuleTransaction codesDescription
MMMM01/MM02/MM03Create/ Change/ Display Material
MMME21N/ ME22N/ ME23NCreate/ Change/ Display the Purchase Order
MMME2L/ ME2MPurchasing Documents by Supplier/ Material
MMME31K/ ME32KCreate/ Change the Purchase Contract
MMME11/ ME12/ ME13Create/ Change/ Display the Purchasing Info Record
MMMI01/ MI02Create/ Change physical inventory document
MMCL02Manage Classes
MMCT04Manage Characteristics
MMMI10Enter and post PI count w/o Document
MMMIGOPost Goods Movement/ Receipt/ Transfer Posting
MMME51NCreate Purchase Requisition-Advance
MMMKVZDisplay Suppliers-Purchasing
MMME2ODisplay Subcontracting Stock by Supplier
MMMB51Display Material Document List
MMMB52Display warehouse Stock

Production & Planning Module (PP)

ModuleTransaction codesDescription
PPCOR1/ COR2/ COR3Create/ Change/ Display the Process Order
PPCO01/ CO02/ CO03Create/ Change/ Display the Production Order
PPCO07Production Order without Material
PPCO11Confirm Production Order
PPC013Cancel Production Order Confirmation
PPCS01/CS02/CS03Create/ Change/ Display Bill of Material
PPCA01Create/ Change/ Display Routing
PPCA11/ CA12/ CA13Create/ Change/ Display Reference Routing
PPCR01/ CR02/ CR03Create/Change/Display WorkCentre

Finance & Controlling Module (FICO)

ModuleTransaction codesDescription
FIMIROCreate Supplier Invoice(Advance)
FIMIR4Display Supplier Invoice(Advance)
FIMIR7Park Supplier Invoice
FIFB60Create Incoming Invoice

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